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How Dayo Raised NGN 1,535,070 On Her Birthday using MyTreatlist | Create a list of *treats* you want - and share it to your friends - or add it to your link in bio so they can gift it to you - MyTreatlist by Picsible
See How Dayo Legally Raised NGN 1,535,070 On Her Birthday using MyTreatlist
MyTreatlist has been a blessing to thousands of people
And one of those people is a Nigeria-based lady called Dayo Williams
This is a case study of how Dayo raised NGN 1,535,070 on her birthday
Meet Dayo Williams
Dayo was going to be 25 on the 15th of January 2022 and had always wanted to start her fashion business
But considering that she was not from a rich home, she had no access to funds she could use to start her business
She was usually sad and dejected - and according to her, didn't have a great social life
And then one day, while checking her friends WhatsApp status, Dayo saw a MyTreatlist gift link on one of her friends WhatsApp Status.
She was intrigued.
She checked it out, browsed through her friend's gifts and even gifted her friend some money from the little she had
But that was not the end of the story...
After gifting her friend, Dayo went on to create her own list
Her birthday was around the corner, and since 95% of people willingly give people gifts on their birthday, Dayo felt it was a good idea to table her most desired gift...
Funds for her fashion business
She created her list
And added 3 items to her list
Look at a screenshot below
As you can see, Dayo's list was straightforward
She wanted money for her shop rent, money for her fashion items and money for her shop furniture
While creating her list, Dayo highly underrated how much her friends could give her
Here was her comment:
"I really always felt like nobody liked me or cared about me OR that even those that liked me or cared about me wouldn't want to gift me things... but I was so wrong!"
And truly she was wrong
Or the better way to say this is that she was almost right - but was then later proven wrong
Keep reading...
After Dayo created her list, she started sharing it everywhere
She shared it on her WhatsApp status, her Facebook, her Instagram etc
Her words:
"I literally shared it everywhere. I shared it on my Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Whatsapp. I shared it everywhere."
At first she didn't any receive any gift from people
At first nobody gifted her anything
But she kept sharing her list
She kept sharing it
And then around 2pm that same day, the magic started happening...
Gifts started rolling in
Before 5pm, 31 people had gifted her NGN 472,513
And before the day was over, she has received NGN 1,535,070
As you can see from the previous screenshot, her friends were gifting her as low as NGN 550 and some as high as NGN 50,000
Here is the screenshot again...
Dayo will be renting her shop in 3 days time and has paid for the first batch of her fashion products. And will finally be launching her business sometime in March after her products are in the country
Dayo's story reminds us of how easy it is to get gifts you want through MyTreatlist
MyTreatlist is a platform that allows you to create a list of gifts you want and then share it to your family and friends
And what is amazing is that Dayo is not the only Nigerian who has used MyTreatlist to get amazing gifts from friends and family
There is Frank who used MyTreatlist to get a new phone after his phone broke
And there is Linda who used MyTreatlist to get money for her House Rent
And there is Peter & Mary who used MyTreatlist to get a new standing fan, a premium gas cooker from their friends and families - on their wedding
MyTreatlist is helping people everywhere. Use MyTreatlist to get gifts for yourself.
It doesn't even have to be your birthday before you can create a list and receive gifts, you can create a list to fix your most pressing needs.
You can create a list anytime
Here is one key thing we learnt from Dayo's story
It is that your friends and family are far more generous than you think. Many times they always want to give you gifts, but they don't just know how to get it to you. Make it easy for your friends to gift you things.
Create a list of gifts you will like to receive. For today, it is FREE to create a list
Create your list and share it to your friends and family